Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I am still alive

It has been brought to my attention that I was neglecting my blog.  The truth is, yes I was.  You know how life can get so busy you just can't stand it?  That's where I was in February, March and most of April.  I picked up a bigger load at work, and my down time consisted of sitting on the sofa, stitching and staring at the TV.  I was so unmotivated that anything that required thought or creativity was set aside.

I'm better now.  The sun is shining, the air is warm and sweet.  I'm out from under the pile of work, at least staying afloat and now have a more reasonable work/life balance.  Now to get the creative juices flowing ... still having some trouble there, but I am enjoying working on patterns written by other people.

On the raw foods front, we are hardly raw at all and most days I don't even cook for us.  Bad, bad, bad.  We are looking for the path and will be back on the bandwagon soon.  More healthy cooked food is in our immediate future and we are very much looking forward to our CSA shares and farmers markets for fresh produce.

Thanks for your patience, and I'll be back to topic based blogging in  no time.