Monday, February 7, 2011

My true calling - or - Nerd Wars on Ravelry

I am a nerd.  I've known this for a long time but the true depth of my nerdhood had not been revealed to me until recently.

It all started with a friend's request to start a team on a Ravelry group called Nerd Wars.  I didn't know what it was, or how we'd do it but I asked a couple of other friends to help us start a team devoted to the nerdiness of the TV show "Fringe".  Now, I spend more time on Ravelry than anywhere else, I'm stitching my fingers off and I'm realizing what a huge nerd I actually am.  Of the 14 teams involved in Nerd Wars, I can identify with at least 12 of them - apparently I'm a well-rounded nerd.

The best news is I'm stitching, the challenges are forcing me to look at my projects more creatively and the competition, although lighthearted, gets me working on projects.  Working on projects gets me using up my stash an that gets me closer to an organized craft room.  Of course organization by elimination hardly counts but I'll take what I can get.

If you are a knitting or crochet enthusiast and are not familiar with Ravelry, please go there right now.  There are LOADS of patterns, both free and paid, groups for discussions, instructions on how to do techniques, suppliers for almost everything.  It's a yarny wonderland, and membership at Ravelry is free.