Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2010 - Year of the Slacker

Holy Cow - no posts since April.  April is the time where my work life became insanely busy and everything else was pushed aside.  I have since been able to strike a balance. 

Here's a quick summary of my year:
  • May - still very busy at work - very little crafting done
  • June - crafting picked up but no organization in the craft room. A friend introduced me to a monthly beading event that got me hooked.
  • July and August - Kid visit, college tours, vacation prep.
  • September - VACATION - we had a great trip to England and that got the crochet and knit juices flowing again.
  • October - work picks up and holiday planning begins
  • November - I become another year older
  • December - Holidays hit hard, and work is crazy and project closeout begins.
Raw food all but disappeared off the table.  We ate fresh fruit and veggies but fell back into old habits.

The craft room is worse than ever.

2011 will be the "Year of Change". 
Paul and I are starting to think seriously of retirement.  This requires fiscal responsibility.  Oh yeah, and we have to help with college for our youngest - THAT will require fiscal responsibility as well. 

I need to find more balance in my life.  That will require better time management, better stress management and exercise. 

I don't know that I will make traditional resolutions this year but I think I'll take a more holistic approach to life in general.  More scheduling, less procrastination, more nutrition, less laziness about food prep and consumption, more exercise, less TV.  My changes will be more gradual and I'll be more forgiving of myself.

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