Sunday, January 23, 2011

The days get longer

As the days get longer, everyone in my house gets a little more cheerful. Go Sun Go!!

So far the year of small changes has been positive.  The house is a little more tidy, my closet is much cleaner (but not yet FABULOUS), the craft room has small patches of carpet showing, the scale is slowly creeping in the downward direction.  Overall things are good.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Workin' for a Livin'

And we're back to the daily grind.  Work, work, avoid snacking, work then home.  I need to jump start my attitude - I've been down a bit lately and can't shake the grumpy.  If I had to guess, seeing some successes or progress around the house would make a difference.  I'm currently hiding from the chores, the equivalent of pulling the covers over my head and going to sleep.

I think I'll have to just force myself to do the work after work and see if it becomes a habit or at least less stressful.  Does anyone have some helpful hints to get me started?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome 2011

It's the second day of 2011, but the first weekend of the new year so I'm still relaxing.  I'm also still considering my options for change this year.

We had a great NYE playing games with friends but slept horribly that night due to gluttony and caffeine.  That lead to a sluggish Jan. 1.  After a slow start to the day I spent time with a dear friend, helping her do a little moving and having a nice visit at her new apartment.  I didn't accomplish much else but still had a great day.

Today is the day for contemplation, decisions and small actions.  I did find a great application for my phone to help with calorie tracking - let me know if you want the name.  I'm planning on making a very long to do list - things I want done around the house, and then actually scheduling some of the work.

The thing I find most difficult is starting - when a task is so big, it's hard to know where to start. I may actually have to call in help for the crazy mess that is my craft room.  I think I can tackle other starts by myself.  The other starts include exercise program, food preparation, cleaning out my closet.

I hope you all had a great weekend and have a wonderful 2011!