Monday, January 3, 2011

Workin' for a Livin'

And we're back to the daily grind.  Work, work, avoid snacking, work then home.  I need to jump start my attitude - I've been down a bit lately and can't shake the grumpy.  If I had to guess, seeing some successes or progress around the house would make a difference.  I'm currently hiding from the chores, the equivalent of pulling the covers over my head and going to sleep.

I think I'll have to just force myself to do the work after work and see if it becomes a habit or at least less stressful.  Does anyone have some helpful hints to get me started?

1 comment:

  1. Pick a "hafta." Each night, pick one chore - something that takes 15 or 20 minutes. Make it the one thing you have to do before you go to bed.

    What you'll notice, some days, you're "hafta" will become oontagious, and when you finish one chore, you might pick up an extra. On the days you hate every second of the "hafta," well, at least you got one thing done.

    Good for the self-image, good for the house. Everybody wins.
