Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 26

We had a beautiful, sunny day.  For the end of November I consider myself lucky and enjoyed as much of the sun as I could.

On a funny note, I went to my annual check-in with my allergist and when doing my spyrometry test the machine told me "good job!" ... that made me laugh and almost ruined the next one, but it make for an interesting start to my day.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Days 20 - 25

Day 20 (Wednesday, November 23):

Today was the final day of work before a looooong weekend.  The beauty in today was the result of hard work, it was a clean house.  We scrubbed everything down and had the house ready for Thanksgiving day guests.

Day 21 (Thursday, November 24):

THANKSGIVING!  My family was the highlight of my day.

This is just a small section of the crew visiting us but we were surrounded by friends and family all day and enjoyed it very much.

Day 22 (Friday, November 25):

Game day - more friends, more fun and leftovers for snacking.

Day 23 (Saturday, November 26):

Lazy day - lazy days are beautiful all on their own.

Day 24 (Sunday, November 27):

Today I finished my grandmother's scrapbook.  It was fun and touching looking over all the old family photos.

My grandmother is one of the most beautiful people I know, inside and out.

Day 25 (Monday, November 28):

Today was a day off of work - I took a vacation day to extend my weekend and I was able to enjoy a wonderful lunch and crochet with a dear friend.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Days 17, 18, and 19

DAY 17 (Sunday, November 20)

A minor catastrophe at my Sister's home on Saturday lead to an overnight visit from my Niece (Z) and Nephew (A).  Saturday night was pretty low-key.  I picked up Z from her house and I waited for A to be dropped off after a UW-Madison  basketball game.  Z and I watched a movie and she did some coloring.

Sunday morning I was able to spend time with these two...

my house wasn't very tidy, but it was cheerful with these two keeping me company.  We spent all day doing projects and watching movies.  We had a goo
d time, I was exhausted, but we all survived quite well and my sister was able to deal with her house issues (a plaster ceiling collapsed and made a HUGE mess).

DAY 18 (Monday, November 21).
No photo today but I had a very positive Dr.'s appointment.  I need to make a few tweaks to my diet but things are looking good.

DAY 19 (Tuesday, November 22)

Whew I'm falling behind Days 14, 15, and 16

I'll be catching up this weekend by posting a few days at a time.  Life got in the way, I got busy and I've fallen behind with posting, but I'm still observing the beauty in every day. I'm also failing to take a photo each day.  In order to continue the theme of peace and beauty I'm not going to stress myself out over photos.

DAY 14
I failed to get a photo but Thursday the 17th we went out to dinner with friends.  A great dinner with great company made for a nice ending to the day.

DAY 15
On Friday the 18th I got this ...

A Kindle Fire.  Woot!  I'm really enjoying using an e-reader and enjoying flying my geek flag with the  new gadget.

DAY 16
Day 16 (Saturday the 19th) was spent with my husband.  He bought a new monitor for his PC, and when he ended up unhappy with it, we actually had a nice outing to return the monitor, choose a new one, and run some errands.  It started out rough, but ended up being a nice afternoon with my honey.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 13

Fun nail polish ... makes me grin like a little girl.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 12

Random acts of kindness are always a joy to receive.

My morning stared horribly including meeting mixups and a project schedule eaten by the server... or user error.  Then suddenly a co-worker showed up at my desk with a treat.  

I turned the picture sideways so you can see how cute it is.  I gave her some advice on cake pops last week and she enjoyed making them so much she 'whipped up a few' last night and brought one in for me.  What a great little pick-me-up today.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 11

COFFEE  some days that's the only thing that keeps me moving.  Today was one of those days.  When you have a 'bad case of the Mondays', this lovely liquid, no matter what it's color, is like a BFF.  I like mine sweet and tan.