Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 7

It's been a week already and I like finding the beauty in each day.  I also like the low pressure way that I have refused to define beauty.

Today is the first snowy day but it's not beautiful yet, it's just gray and brown and not very pretty.  However, there is one tree near my office that refuses to let go of autumn.

With the dusting of snow on the ground, the fiery orange leaves are just that much more beautiful.

Since I'm just getting started here I feel as though I need to warn you (if there are any readers out there at all) that you will most likely see repeats during my journey.  There are a few things I love like crazy and you will find different variations of them throughout the year.  This list currently includes, but is not limited to:
  • My family - all of it, in-laws, siblings, old, young ... They almost always make me smile so you'll see them periodically through the year.
  • Food - I do a lot of baking and sometimes even I think it looks awesome
  • Yarn - I play with it every. single. day.  You'll see finished creations and sometimes just a skein of colored fuzziness that just makes me happy inside.
  • Nature - I live 'in the country" so I am blessed to see lots of trees, snow, grass, wildflowers, and once in a great while, an animal. 

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