Friday, November 25, 2011

Days 17, 18, and 19

DAY 17 (Sunday, November 20)

A minor catastrophe at my Sister's home on Saturday lead to an overnight visit from my Niece (Z) and Nephew (A).  Saturday night was pretty low-key.  I picked up Z from her house and I waited for A to be dropped off after a UW-Madison  basketball game.  Z and I watched a movie and she did some coloring.

Sunday morning I was able to spend time with these two...

my house wasn't very tidy, but it was cheerful with these two keeping me company.  We spent all day doing projects and watching movies.  We had a goo
d time, I was exhausted, but we all survived quite well and my sister was able to deal with her house issues (a plaster ceiling collapsed and made a HUGE mess).

DAY 18 (Monday, November 21).
No photo today but I had a very positive Dr.'s appointment.  I need to make a few tweaks to my diet but things are looking good.

DAY 19 (Tuesday, November 22)

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