Friday, November 25, 2011

Whew I'm falling behind Days 14, 15, and 16

I'll be catching up this weekend by posting a few days at a time.  Life got in the way, I got busy and I've fallen behind with posting, but I'm still observing the beauty in every day. I'm also failing to take a photo each day.  In order to continue the theme of peace and beauty I'm not going to stress myself out over photos.

DAY 14
I failed to get a photo but Thursday the 17th we went out to dinner with friends.  A great dinner with great company made for a nice ending to the day.

DAY 15
On Friday the 18th I got this ...

A Kindle Fire.  Woot!  I'm really enjoying using an e-reader and enjoying flying my geek flag with the  new gadget.

DAY 16
Day 16 (Saturday the 19th) was spent with my husband.  He bought a new monitor for his PC, and when he ended up unhappy with it, we actually had a nice outing to return the monitor, choose a new one, and run some errands.  It started out rough, but ended up being a nice afternoon with my honey.

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