Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 4

I'll stop putting the date in the title - I just took a second look at the blog and it's really redundant - what with blogger displaying the post date.  

This is the photo for yesterday's post.  Sara is my cousin, my friend and my hairstylist.  She's the best of all three and one of the kindest, most decent people I know.  Her beauty is inside AND out.  While she's many years my junior (let's not discuss how many) I want to be like Sara when I grow up. 

Also - I'm not affiliated with the salon at all but if you want an amazing salon experience and a fabulous haircut visit Serena at Anaala Spa on Atwood Avenue in Madison.  There are multiple Saras at that location so she picked a 'stage name'.

Now for Monday's beauty: it's something I have taken for granted most of my life.

My hands - not that mine are particularly beautiful in the grand scheme of things, but I have had some problems over the last few months that are finally being resolved and my hands are looking and feeling normal again.  It's very difficult to describe what it's like to be all but deprived of your sense of touch.  I had flaky, calloused skin on my fingers for months that eventually impacted my quality of life.  I'm not trying to get pity points here just trying to explain why today I feel like my pudgy, pasty-white hands are beautiful.  I'm able to actually feel the texture of fabric and yarns, and cook without wearing gloves.  I'm feeling blessed today because I can tell I'm on the road to recovery and hope that by the end of this year I'll have all the information I need to either put this behind me, or have the ability to manage my condition moving forward.

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