Sunday, January 17, 2010


I'm in some need of inspiration. I see beautiful things all the time, but lately they have not inspired me to do anything. I appreciate their beauty, but can't be bothered to create my own. The good news is, I don't need a huge dose of inspiration to complete projects that have been started - follow the pattern and "get 'er done"! This does not bode well for the creation of cards needed for a stamping class February 20.

Sometimes inspiration can be forced - believe me, I know. If I sit down at the table with the stamps I need to use and try enough things, I'll hit on a winner, then that success usually spins off into another good idea or two. Please keep your fingers crossed for me. If you have any suggestions on how to get past my crafting apathy, please let me know.

I wish you all inspiration when you need it!

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