Tuesday, January 12, 2010


With a weekend of sloth behind me I've got a cluttered living room to deal with. I started de-Christmas-ing the house. This means the tree is gone and most of the decorations are packed. I still have a serious pile of penguins, snowmen and Santa figurines to deal with. I also have piles of yarn on the sofa. Yarn I wound, yarn I worked with, completed squares and pieces of sweater. It all needs to be put away and pulled out in manageable pieces.

In the past, I've only allowed myself two projects at a time. One easy, or 'hand candy' and one more difficult. Before I started knitting two was usually sufficient. This led to lots of finished projects and no mystery bags laying around my house. Now that I'm knitting, I've got several projects in the works and most in different stages of completion. I'm going to list them here in the hopes that admitting I have a problem will be the first step in recovery.

  1. KAL (knit along) sweater - I was talked into a knit along by some co-workers, then they all bailed. I now have the back of a sweater and part of a front worked and sitting on needles. Started in October
  2. Zoe's sweater - this was just started in December. The adorable little munchin will be even more adorable in the Paddington sweater I'm knitting for her birthday. This has a deadline. I'm making some good progress on this.
  3. An asymmetrical sweater for myself - crochet - started in November. I was frustrated trying to figure out the sleeves so the sweater got a time out. I hope it's learned it's lesson. I'll be picking this one up soon, I'm just a few hours from completing it.
  4. Afghan Squares - the status on this one changes from started to complete pretty quickly, but I have a lot to make. I've joined a group that has committed to making one square a month. I think this will be the best way to use up some stash and MACG donation yarn and have committed to making three of each square in order to complete 3 afghans this year. One for MACG and two for donation to a charity auction. My commitment may change in March - stay tuned.

Now that I've written it down, it's not so daunting - I really just have added two projects to go with my new knitting skill. Of course this does not include the incredibly long list of projects I want to do. I have patterns I want to work, patterns rattling around in my head clamoring to get out, and I'm sure there are patterns I haven't even seen yet but will need to acquire.

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