Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Organization has always been my nemeses. I would love to be organized, I love baskets and bins and drawers and labels and all the organizational gadgets (see the post on gadgets), but I never make it 100% of the way to organized. I can get to tidy, I can get to clean, but organized it always just out of my reach. It's weird too, because I'm a project manager in real life. I'm organizing resources and budgets and tasks, but my desk is a cluttered mess. My projects are fine, my team members don't seem to think I'm way out there or anything. If you are reading this and on one of my project teams, you shouldn't feel obligated to post a comment.

Part of my problem may just be the amount of stuff I have. I have a lot. Let's just talk about yarn. Because I so rarely talk about yarn here. Do I sort by fiber content, by color, by weight, by intended project? If I sort by just one of these it would be OK but I'd have to remember that I have other colors, or weights or content that matches the yarn in my hands. I get bogged down in the details of the sorting and the sub categories. Maybe that's my analytical brain working itself into a frenzy. And really, yarn is not my big problem, I actually keep that sorted by weight so if I need sock yarn I can see my whole color and fiber selection. Easy peasy! Imagine what I'm going through trying to wrap my brain around rubber stamps. Is it a text set, or a Christmas set? Do I keep a cross referenced list somewhere? Do I break up a multi-seasonal set to keep Christmas in one category and snowflakes in another? Do I keep my glitter glue with the glitter or the glue? It just gets worse from there.

This is the year I organize! This is the year my craft room tables are cleared off and things are given a proper home. This is the year I use my craft room and love it. I just have to figure out how...

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