Friday, January 8, 2010

A Peek Inside My Brain

This post won't be for the weak of heart. My brain is a jumbled and chaotic place. Here's what I'm thinking about right now:

  1. What will I blog about today? Maybe just a brain dump
  2. When will Christmas card exchange start up again? How many cards will we be making? Can I get away with duplicating some of last year's designs?
  3. What will I teach for Jazzy's classes in March? I need to do an inventory of my stamps and come up with ideas
  4. Inventory my stamps - holy crap that's a lot of work, my craft room is a mess, I really need to get on that
  5. Ugh cleaning my craft room would be a HUGE undertaking, but soooo nice. How can I talk myself into that?
  6. I wonder if one of those Christmas card layouts would make a nice afghan layout - crochet panels of different sizes ...
  7. Afghans - I hope crochet guild members make some squares for the charity blankets.
  8. I need to make more blankets for MIL's fund raiser this year - the block a month thing is good but I need to be done before November
  9. Is three afghans too much to take on?
  10. How many more squares do I need to make this month?
  11. I hope my color combinations are OK
  12. I hate sewing squares together.
  13. I want to make the 'tree of life' afghan
  14. I hope I can finish Zoe's sweater on time - I'm only done with one front panel and the back
  15. Why am I knitting so slow?
  16. I'd really like to have time to make a matching hat for that jacket
  17. Can I felt in my front loader?
  18. Do I have red wool yarn?
  19. When can I get that hat pattern done for OTBP?
  20. I need to finish that sweater I started for myself - just the sleeves left - suck it up and do it.
  21. I hope washing the sweater loosens up the yarn it's a little stiff right now I hope I'll wear it
  22. ....

You get the idea ... I have so much crafty stuff rattling around my brain it's amazing I can manage to earn a paycheck. I manage to squash my crafty narrative down when I have work things to do, but if things at work are slow my crafty side starts screaming!!

Now - outside my brain, in the real world, fun things are happening.

Off the Beaten Path Yarnery ( had a great write up in the local paper yesterday. AND Karen, who is fabulous, plugged the Madison Area Crochet Guild. She has been a huge help in developing the crochet guild this year, our partnership with OTBP has really been a blessing.

The Madison Area Crochet Guild is off to a great start this year. If you want information about our group, let me know.

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